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Sapienza Summer/Winter school

The Summer-Winter Schools (intensive courses) are generally in-person international courses whose duration is from one to four weeks. Depending on the attendance requirements, they are aimed at students with at least a bachelor's degree or an upper secondary school diploma and do not award a title of study but issue a certificate of attendance. The ECTS acquired may be recognised pursuant to the regulations in force for bachelor’s or master’s degree programmes depending on the admission requirement.

Winter School director:
prof. Michetti Giovanni

There are currently the following Winter Schools:
Winter School in Tecnologie del Web Semantico per i Beni Culturali

Learning Outcomes

To provide knowledge, methods, tools and skills useful to understand and use the semantic web technologies for cultural heritage, with special regard to Linked Open Data (LOD), as well as to autonomously study this topic in depth.

Deadline for the submission of the application for admission: 02/05/2023

Photograph as a document

Learning Outcomes

To provide knowledge, methods and skills useful to deal with a photographic archive and, more in general, with the subject of photography within archival, library or other collections.

Deadline for the submission of the application for admission:: 07/04/2023