Top-level heading

Student Orientation Unit

The Student Orientation Unit is responsible for:

  • coordination and administrative support to university orientation activities;
  • agreements with external organisations and upper secondary schools for incoming orientation;
  • orientation initiatives and projects for high schools students and participation in incoming orientation events also at external venues;
  • implementation of orientation policies;
  • training orientation projects;
  • coordination and support to the Faculties' SORT held desks to implement ongoing orientation initiatives;
  • management of activities for the implementation of the Transversal skills and orientation Programmes - PCTO (former school-work programme);
  • agreements with upper secondary schools for further activities;
  • ongoing tutoring and dropout prevention projects.

The Student Orientation Unit has a central office located in the Main Campus and some desks located at the Faculties. The central office and the Faculty’s delegates coordinate the incoming orientation and tutoring projects, manage the relationships with upper secondary schools and the coordinators of outgoing orientation, provide help in the delicate transition phase from school to university, support for regular students, information on the educational programmes and the administrative procedures for admission to courses.

Commissione di Orientamento e Tutorato di Facoltà

Prof. Celani Simone
Dott.ssa Antonini Lucia 
Dott. Pitigliani Andrea
Prof. Crupi Gianfranco
Prof.ssa Corsi Elisabetta
Prof. De Renzo Francesco
Prof.ssa Koesters Sabine
Dott. Tizzano Enrico
Chiarelli Debora 
Placidi Federica Maria
Tortora Simona