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Calendar of the 2023-2024 Graduation Sessions

In the Learn More box, on the right column, you may find and download the instructions to fill-in the new online graduation
application on Infostud.


 Fulfilments and deadlinesI Exam PeriodII Exam PeriodIII Exam PeriodIV Exam Period
 Graduation application From 01/12/2023
 TO    02/02/2024
 From 29/03/2024
 TO    10/05/2024
 From 20/06/2024
 TO     26/07/2024
 From 01/09/2024
 TO    25/10/2024
 Last exam of graduands
 The deadline refers to the exam   date  of the last exam taken
 26/02/2024 22/06/2024 14/09/2023 16/11/2024
Graduation sessions
 Bachelor’s degrees From 18/03/2024
 TO 23/03/2024
 From 15/07/2024
 TO     20/07/2024
 From 23/09/2024
 TO    28/09/2024

 From 08/01/2025
 TO    11/01/2025

 Subject to changes   pursuant to the General   Regulations for Sapienza   Students.

 LM-LS-V.O. From 18/03/2024
 TO    23/03/2024
 From 15/07/2024
 TO    20/07/2024
 From 23/09/2024
 TO    28/09/2024

 From 13/01/2025
 TO     18/01/2025

 Subject to changes   pursuant to the General   Regulations for Sapienza   Students.

The thesis must be uploaded to Infostud at least 7 days* before the beginning of the exam session - you'll find instructions for uploading the thesis at page 7 of the following link: instructions for online degree application

*Due to technical problems and only for the III Session (September), after having tried to upload the thesis within the indicated times, if problems are encountered, it will be necessary to communicate these to the Infostud Helpdesk ( ), then it will still be possible to upload it later, within 7 days before the start date of the graduation session.