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Forms pursuant to 270/04

A.A. 2022-2023

REGULATIONS FOR DELIVERY OF STUDY PLAN DM. 270/04 (A.A. 2009-10 and 2010-11)

1. The study plan is an official declaration which communicates to the Faculty which exams the student has already taken and intends to take during their academic career,

in accordance with the teaching regulations of the Course of Studies: only the exams declared in the study plan are considered valid.

2. All students enrolled in the academic year are required to submit their study plan. 2009/2010 and in the academic year 2010/2011 to a three-year or master's degree course DM 270/04 which:

- have never presented the study plan;

- intend to modify the training path presented in previous academic years.

Interested students can download the appropriate forms directly from the website of the relevant Department of the Course of Study in which they are enrolled.

3. The form for completing the study plan shows the courses/SSDs foreseen in the manifesto of the three-year or master's degree course published in the academic year. of registration.

Students are required to complete the study plan following the instructions given in the form and to send the study plan by email to the secretariat of the competent Department from 17 November 2022 to 28 April 2023 during the office hours established by each Department's teaching secretariat. .

For the purposes of compiling the study plan, students are required to correctly declare the exams already taken.

4. The student will receive a formal response approving/not approving the proposed study plan via email within 15 days of the submission date.

In case of approval, you will simultaneously receive a copy of the study plan approved by the Commission.

In case of non-approval, he will be informed of the reasons and invited to formulate a new study plan.

5. The approved study plan cannot be modified for the entire duration of the academic year. 2022/2023.

The student is required to keep this copy and take the exams declared in the study plan.


Students coming from other degree courses
Students who have already graduated and are transferring or transferring from another University, Faculty and/or Degree Course must wait for the resolution to validate the exams taken drawn up by the transition and transfer commission to correctly complete their study plan.

Erasmus students
Erasmus students must submit their study plan upon returning from their stay abroad, even if outside the delivery deadlines set out above, and only after having received validation of the exams taken at their Erasmus headquarters.