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Sapienza offers to its students and graduates the chance of doing internships to help them enter the world of work. Internships are structured in order to let students learn by doing. centered on direct experience of the world of work, on the support that companies, public bodies and the third sector can provide to training by making their professional and technological know-how available.

The Internships Unit enters into online agreements with the companies and bodies interested in having internships carried out at their facilities.
Please visit the webpage for a list of the structures in partnership with Sapienza.

Any information to activate an internship may be requested from the Internships Offices, generally located in the Dean’s Offices of each Faculty.
Traineeships and internships abroad:

Tirocini e stage all'estero;

  • Erasmus + Traineeship, for students and graduands of bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programmes of all faculties
  • Unipharma-Graduates, for students of master’s and PhD Programmes of pharmaceutical and bio-technological sectors 
  • Vulcanus, for students of scientific and technical faculties who wish to attend a traineeship in Japan
  • Coasit, for recently humanities graduates who wish to work as Italian language teaching assistants in Australia

For information, write to the following email address: